Friday, June 3, 2011

Cherry Crumble Cobbler

June's theme is cooking with kids. However, this week I wasn't going to have a kid around with whom to cook, so I just decided to make something with ingredients I had around the house. I was especially excited to use some fresh fruit that we bought at the corner stand on the way up the CA 180 (heading to the new Steinert Chalet in the Kings Canyon/Sequoia Nat'l Forests).

I got the idea for cobbler, because earlier in the week I screwed up nectarine cobbler. Those nectarines were amazing and I wasted them all because I didn't follow directions. I decided not to blog about that mess. Needless to say, I needed redemption. I was going to make regular ol' cobbler, but then I got a request to make the top "crispy" so I actually morphed 2 recipes. Click here for the cobbler recipe. 


This was super duper easy, and actually could be made with kids. Everything is done with a bowl and a spoon/spatula. The only time consuming part of the process was pitting the cherries. I'm not sure if there's a simple way to do it, but I just used my fingers.

For the crumble topping, I just used softened butter, sugar, flour and a dash of cinnamon. I mixed it with my hands, although using a mixer might've been less messy. And I had a little less than 2 cups, so I don't think it's as cherry-y as it should be. But it has been getting rave reviews! Next time I make cobbler, I'm gonna go the Bisquik route and use peaches. Yum!

It just needs homemade vanilla ice cream.

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